Firing Difficult Employees: Get Their Keys

Firing an employee is never pleasant and can sometimes be tough. While some people don't kick up a fuss when they're fired, others can be more difficult. Some people even get aggressive or hold a grudge against you or your company. If you're about to fire one of your employees and you know they aren't going to take it well, then getting them out of the building as quickly as possible will be your main aim. Read More 

You Can Prevent Your Keys from Breaking Off Inside Your Locks with These 3 Tips

If you have ever been locked out of your home because your key broke off inside the lock, you understand how inconveniencing that can be. You may need a locksmith to get the key out. If you don't have a spare, you will need to have one made, or you may have to change the lock. All these will involve spending your money. Nevertheless, all these can be avoided by taking certain precautionary measures. Read More 

How to Get a Passport Out of a Safe When You’ve Lost the Combination

Locking your family's passports in your home safe may have seemed a great idea at the time; however, you may be kicking yourself if you're about to set off on holiday and nobody can remember the combination. If you're really short on time, then contacting the manufacturer and getting a new code may take too long. What else can you do? Read the Instructions Most home safes come with a set of instructions. Read More 

What to Do When Your Electronic Lock Won’t Let You In

A common reason for getting locked out of the house is losing your keys. Because of this, people are increasingly switching to keyless electronic locks, which often use a numerical code to grant entry. It's a great solution if you're prone to losing things, or if you just worry about finding yourself locked out. While this solves one of the major causes of lockouts, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll never find yourself stuck outside. Read More 

Three Security Devices Your Home Can’t Do Without

The old saying that your home is your castle is true, and as the king or queen of the castle, you want to make sure that your family and belongings are well protected. Crime rates go up and down, but there is still plenty to fear when it comes to home invasions and burglaries. As a first-time homeowner, you should do a security audit at your home before you head away with the family for the summer holidays. Read More